Krell laboratory
Latest findings
Research Lines
Media Coverage
Sensing publications
February 15, 2025
July 2025: Talk by Tino Krell on “The combined use of thermal shift assays, structural biology and isothermal titration calorimetry to identify signals that stimulate bacterial receptors“ at the XVIII International Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, Madrid, Spain
January 16, 2024
February 2024: Talk by Tino Krell on “Large-scale identification of signal molecules for bacterial receptors” in the Official Master “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology” at Murcia University (Spain).
January 2024: Tino Krell (invited talk), Elizabet Monteagudo-Cascales (poster) and Roberta Genova (poster) participate in the Sensory Transduction in Microorganisms Gordon Research Conference in Ventura (USA, 21.1. -26.1.2024)
April 10, 2023
April 2023: We welcome in our laboratory our new member Raquel Vázquez Santiago who will provide technical support to our research.
April 2023: Abstract submitted by Jean Paul Cerna Vargas has been selected for oral presentation at the FEMS meeting in Hamburg (Germany) in July this year.
January 2023: Talk by Elizabet Monteagudo-Cascales at the BLAST XVII meeting in Charleston (USA).
November 10, 2022
January 2023: Tino Krell will serve as chair of the XVII edition of the Bacterial Locomotion and Signal Transduction (BLAST) conference in Charleston (USA).
September 2022: We welcome our new PhD student Roberta Genova who is the recipient of the FPI grant associated with our project PID2020- 112612GB-I00.
March 9, 2022
March 2021: Mass media coverage. Repercussion of our article on the universal amino acid sensor conserved from archaea to human (Gumerov et al. (2022) PNAS)
January 10, 2022
January 2022: Incorporation into the laboratory of Jean Paul Cerna-Vargas with a two-year post-doctoral contract Margarita Salas.
Laboratory Head
Tino Krell
› Sientific CV
Laboratory members
Igor Zhulin (Ohio State University, USA)
Laboratory of crystallographic studies – Granada
The Sourjik laboratory (Marburg, Germany)
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