
Research was and is being funded by the following research projects awarded to Tino Krell

Grants by the Andalusian Regional government Junta de Andalucia

“Signaling mechanisms in  Pseudomonas aeruginosa: New strategies to fight this human pathogen.” Reference: P18-FR-1621, 125 000 euros, from 2020-2022.

“Understanding the signal transduction mechanisms which govern the formation and sipersion of biofilm in bacteria.” Reference: CVI-7335, 213 000 euros, from 2012-2014

“Chemotaxis in soil bacteria: its implication in the degradation of toxic compounds and in plant root colonization.” Reference: P09-RNM-4509,293 000 euros, from 2009-2013

“Design of inhibitors for efflux pumps responsible for multiple drug resistance in GRAM-negative bacteria.” Reference: CVI-1912, 145 000 euros, from 2007-2010

Grants by the Spanish Ministries

“Large-scale identification of signal molecules that activate bacterial receptors” Reference PID2023-146216NB-I00. 312 500 euros, from 2024-2027

“Chemoreceptors in bacterial pathogens” Reference: 112612GB-I00, 290 000 euros, from 2021-2024.

“Improvement of the analytical potential of the Instrumentation service of the Estación Experimental del Zaidín.” Reference: EQC2019-005472-P, 129 778  euros, from 2020-2021

“Acquisition of an isothermal Titration calorimeter for the EEZ instrumentation service.” Reference: EQC2018-004371-P, 110 853 euros, from 2019-2020

“Universal biosensors.” Reference BIO2017-91210-EXP, 48 400 euros, from 2017-2020

“High throughput-based and systematic identification of signal molecules recognized by bacterial sensor proteins” Ref.: BIO2016-76779-P, 250 000 €, from 2017-2020.

“Development of metagenomic tools for biofuel production”. Ref.: RTC-2014-1777-3, 89.408,00 Euros, from 2014 to 2016

“Understanding of chemoreceptors with bimodular sensor domain”. Ref.: BIO2013-42297, 272 250 euros, from 2014 to 2016

“Biosensors for arsenate monitoring in water and agricultural products”. Ref.: RECUPERA 20134R057, 190 000 euros, from 2014 to 2015

“Understanding of chemotaxis in environmental bacteria.” Ref.: BIO2010-16937, 157 000 euros, from 2011 to 2014

“Construction of novel-generation biosensors for the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons.” Ref.: BIO2011-14589-E, 39 200 euros, from 2012 to 2014

Grants by the European Union

“Integrative Modeling and Engineering of Pseudomonas putida for Green Chemistry.”, Reference: PIEF-GA-2012-329682, 173 370 euros, from 2013-2015.


Grants by the BBVA Foundation

“Biodegradation: tackling its limitations.” Ref. BIOCON08 185/09
199 520 euros, from 2009 to 2012